More Prussians

Not a very good photo, and it was taken before the varnish was applied. But these are the command group for my first battalion of Prussian line infantry, 1st bat., 1st regt., 1st East Prussian. The figures are Perry metals, with an officer by Calpe miniatures. The Perry long coated infantry are very easy to speed paint as I have described in previous posts. But there is only one officer figure, so the Calpe officers will give the units some variety.

The plan is to do around 8-10 battalions: 4 battalions of line (1st and 2d East Prussian); 1 (or maybe two?) of Fusiliers; 2–4 battalions of Silesian Landwehr; a battery of 6-pounders (3 guns). Most of the units will consist of 32 figures, with maybe one or two understrength units among the Landwehr. This will be about 200–250 figures in total, including a few skirmishers and commanders. When (if?) I get those done, next up will be the Mecklenburg–Strelitz hussars, I will need about 18–24 of them. At some point, half a battalion of volunteer jägers would be useful too.

As I am doing these, I am also re-basing a few Russians I painted a few years ago. To begin with, they are only 2 battalions of 32 men, but I have more that could be re-based although they would need to be complemented by some additional figures to make up full units.

The project is based on the 2d brigade of Yorcks army corps in the autumn of 1813. A “brigade” in the Prussian organization of that period was very large, equivalent of a French division of that period. This particular brigade consisted of 10 and one half battalions of infantry, 4 and a half squadrons of cavalry and one artillery battery.

At the moment, I have painted 40 figures, and I only started these around the beginning of february; even then, Ive painted a few other things in between as well. As long as I don’t lose interest, the infantry should be done by summer…

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