Second bat., first regt.

Ive now finished a second unit of 1813 Prussians. As the first, these are Perry metal figures with an officer by Calpe miniatures. In about two months, I have painted 80 Prussians. In fact, I had hoped to have done even more. But with the practicalities of life taken into account, its a good number,Continue reading “Second bat., first regt.”

First battalions first

The first battalion is the first battalion, first East Prussian regt. Lets hope I dont lose interest and keep at it at least until I have enough to be worthwhile on the games table (that would be about a brigade, at minimum 4-5 infantry units).

More Prussians

Not a very good photo, and it was taken before the varnish was applied. But these are the command group for my first battalion of Prussian line infantry, 1st bat., 1st regt., 1st East Prussian. The figures are Perry metals, with an officer by Calpe miniatures. The Perry long coated infantry are very easy toContinue reading “More Prussians”

Some more Finnish jägers

Just finished this set of 16 figures of Finnish jägers. The uniform corresponds to the Nyland, Björneborg or Åbo regiments. Nyland and Björneborg wore light blue facings, Åbo dark blue. To make things simple, I chose a mid-blue color, and will use them to represent any of these regiments as I need them to! TheContinue reading “Some more Finnish jägers”

A game, sort of…

This weekend I had the opportunity to try out my gaming boards and new terrain pieces with a couple of old friends. We played a bit of Black Powder but only did two rounds or so before we called it a night. Although the gaming didnt really take off, I was very pleased with theContinue reading “A game, sort of…”

Game markers

These are some markers for WW2 gaming. Casualty figures are from Great Escape Games, pin markers were made from Warlord Games’ old markers for Bolt Action with some extra bits, mounted on bases from Warbases. Lastly, fire/smoke markers, mainly for marking knocked out tanks or destroyed buildings. All work for both Bolt Action and ChainContinue reading “Game markers”