A game, sort of…

This weekend I had the opportunity to try out my gaming boards and new terrain pieces with a couple of old friends. We played a bit of Black Powder but only did two rounds or so before we called it a night. Although the gaming didnt really take off, I was very pleased with the way my new fences, roads, stone walls and trees looked. For Napoleonics, it is good not to clutter the board too much, and thus relatively easy to make enough scenery.

It also became clear that I could easily fit a couple of more board sections in the room. The gaming area in the pictures is 160x180cm, and would be extended to 160×240, which is a good size for Finnish war scenarios.

I have also done a bit of repainting to make as many 20-man units as possible out of the line infantry. At the moment, about half the line units are this size and the rest are still 16-man units. This looks good on the table and with this table size, I think that larger units would take up too much space (my basing system unfortunately gives units a slightly larger frontage than what is typical for Napoleonics).

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